PNGOPRA Entomology Evaluates Tractor-Mounted Sprayers for Integrated Pest Management Control of Oil Palm in West New Britain, Papua New Guinea.

Figure1. Jacto AJ-401 tested with water on mature palms at Dami Research Field.  

The PNG OPRA Entomology Section evaluates tractor-mounted sprayers’ efficacy in its Integrated Pest Management (IPM) control strategy. A study had just commenced in Kumbango Plantation on young palms infested by bagworms (Mahasena corbettiEumeta variegata). The need emerged when evaluating the possibilities of applying pesticides to young palms where Targeted Trunk Injection (TTI) treatment is discouraged.  

The section ordered two (2) Jacto tractor mounted sprayers (J-400, AJ-401) from Malaysia in 2020, but Covid-19 pandemic restrictions delayed shipment. The machines finally arrived at Dami in January 2021. 

Manager for NBPOL WNB Mechanisation and Special Projects Mohmd Hayril Mohd Rapi and tractors trainer superintendent for WNB NBPOL Henry Efi delivered training on the machines’ fitting and usage. The training was received by staff from PNGOPRA Entomology and OPRS workshop. 

The entomology section thanked both trainers for their time spent and promised to utilise the knowledge gained. Director of Research Cheah See Siang praised everyone for the job done and advised the section to make good use of the machines. The machines will be engaged out in the fields in the second quarter of 2021. 

Figure 2, from left to right: Entomology Research Associate Thom Thaddy Batari, NBPOL Head of Plantations Tan Tee Ung, NBPOL Mechanisation and Special Projects Manager Mohmd Hayril Mohd Rapi, NBPOL Tractors Trainer Superintendent Henry Efi, Tractor Driver Tuna Nambutu and Mechanic/Handyman Simon Howal after trial spray. In the background is the mounted AJ-401. 

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